Shipbuilding Industry at the Waterway Paraná-Paraguay
100 Years (1950 – 2050)

Ing. Raúl E. Podetti
Ing. Carlos M. Brañas

The authors, Pagliettini and Podetti – together with distinguished collaborators – provide their complementary visions on this topic. Their professional experience as businessmen and leaders of these segments allow them to provide both a retrospective and prospective insight oh the future of these activities. Even if these are related, they have been locally non-synergistic in the past years.

Like the rest of the publications, the research is divided into four parts: History, Industry, Politics and Future. The first three refer to the most relevant aspects of this activity in the last 70 years (1950 – 2020), with an emphasis on the most recent ones.

The last part takes the basis of the other three and goes over a series of proposals and future impactful projections for the next three decades, therefore completing the century suggested on the thesis.

The chapter on ‘History’ will provide a context and a summarized analysis of the dredging activity in Argentina. At the same time, it will present a detailed timeline with the biggest milestones of the industry.

When talking about the Industry in relation to dredging, there will be a study on the contributions of shipyards and workshops until the moment. There will be interest on the marine industrial projects related to dredging, with a special mention to the Capitán Núñez dredge (1977) and other cases of minor dredges, buoy setters, dredge boats and auxiliary tugboats. This is all in relation to the activities that take place at the Directory of Port Constructions (DNCPyVN) and at private companies of the segment.

In development

This research was carried out by Ing. Raúl E. Podetti with the collaboration of Ing. Carlos M. Brañas

Carlos M. Brañas

He was born in Buenos Aires in 1954 and got a degree in Nval Architecture and Marine Engineering from the University of Buenos Aires. He started as an intern in Astarsa shipyards in 1973 and later graduated from the Argentine Navy as a scientific investigator.

He worked at the Nickman Group – a prestigious international marine engineering company that works with surveys – and since 1983 he has been working at an international shipping company designing, repairing, and developing management programs for large ship conversion projects abroad. In 1990 he founded Consulmar, a marine consulting agency very well-known in Argentina and worldwide.

He is a representative of Argentina at the Panamerican Institute of Marine Engineering (IPIN). He is also President of the Argentine Association of Marine Engineering (AAIN) and a member of the Institute of Transport at the National Engineering Academy and member of the Advising Committee of Shipbuilding Industry (law 27,418). Besides this, Brañas is a representative before the Administrative Technical Advisory Council of the Argentine Coast Guard (PNA)

Ing. Carlos  Brañas