L’ Affaire Argentine, is a cross of fiction and non-fiction in which the author denounces the greatest purchase in national naval history (400 million dollars) to a French state-owned shipyard – world leader in military corruption with over a thousand million dollars’ worth of bribes – in 2019. The latter took place directly and illegally.
Raúl Podetti, father and son, experts in maritime affairs, narrate the course of this military naval issue from 1994 until February 2020 when the first unit of the fleet hired to France arrived in the country.
Besides the clear signs of corruption involved in this affair, the book narrates the treason of civil and military officials engaged, therefore showing their despise towards the national workforce and the growth of the Nation.
Raúl Sr., deceased, continues to fight against such excesses of power in defense of maritime interests. From the new place he occupies, he brings historical figures such as Juan de Garay, Belgrano, Storni and Perón into the scene. Even the dark figure of Admiral Massera intervenes and provides a connection between this case and the collapse of submarine ARA San Juan.
Kidnappings, explosions and murders told by the victims themselves unveil the modus operandi in the businesses of the French shipyard and its counterparts, hiding bribes in the affairs with Pakistan, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brazil while warning the reader about alarming similarities with the Affaire Argentine.
Coming soon…
Coming soon
Raúl Eugenio Podetti
Born in Buenos Aires in 1958, he studied in the Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires and graduated as a Naval Architect and Marine Engineer from the Technological Institute of Buenos Aires (ITBA). He later got an MSE from the University of Michigan (USA) and an MBA from IAE – Austral University (Argentina).
In the United States, he worked in offshore platforms shipyards; in Argentina he developed entrepreneurships in tourism, fishing and entertainment. In 1976 he started working at the SANYM shipyard, of which he was CEO for 8 years.
He was Vice President of the Río Santiago shipyard and part of the Board of Directors of the Argentine Federation of Shipbuilding Industry (FINA) for over 10 years – organization for which he was also Vice President until December 2017.
He is a Postgraduate lecturer at ITBA and a Researcher for the Interdisciplinary Program for Development of the University of Buenos Aires (PIUBAD).
In 2018 he published together with his father the book Argentine SHipbuilding Industry – 100 Years (1937 – 2036), which quickly became the main bibliographic reference of the sector. This inspired him to broaden his study on the individual problematics of the various niches of the industry.
The result is the Shipbuilding Industry Collection presented here that has gathered true experts of each of the topics for discussion in co-authorship in every volume.